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Saturday, January 01, 2011

You Need To Hear Me Out

I know. It's not cool to talk about the New Year like it's something really special. And I understand. After all, it really is just another day. But humans are always looking for chances to start over, so what's the harm in looking to the first of January as a good time to refresh??

So here's that post about what I think I'm going to do this year.

FIRST UP. My new year's resolution!

As I mentioned in a previous entry, my new year's resolution is inspired by one of my favorite musicians, Taylor Swift. Taylor's latest album Speak Now is all about being honest and straightforward. Although I don't plan on writing a country-pop gem about each person I want to say something to, I do want to be more vocal. Although I can be an extrovert at times, I do often keep my opinion to myself and feel like it's much easier to just let others have it their way. So now, I want to speak out.

However, there is an element of class in this - I'm not going to tell someone they look bad or complain that someone's homemade meal tastes nasty. This is about speaking the truth at times when I'm too afraid or shy, not about being rude and aggressive.

This year I also want to:
- Graduate college
- Get a job
- Write another section of my long short story (currently 100 pages)
- Do well on the GRE Literature exam (LOL)
- Eat more fruit (I did this in 2010 and did a good job! I want to continue this one)
- Get Britney's new album the day it comes out
- Write more poetry
- Survive

Oh, and did I mention that New Year's Eve 2010 was much better than previous years?

Happy New Year y'all!


Justin said...

Enrico, are you like 1000% different in person from how you are online? Cuz I'm trying to imagine the guy who TYPES LIKE THIS ALL THE TIME needing to be "more vocal" ;-)

That being said, I'm glad you had a better NYE :)

Here's to a great 2011! And keeping resolutions! :)

C. L. Mac Neil said...

You had me checking over those little resolution boxes to see which were T-Swift inspired and which weren't (mostly to make sure I wasn't among the people you need to be more vocal to) and I think its scary how many of yours could apply to everyone. There's definitely a few people I could do with saying a few of those things to so perhaps I'll steal your resolution.

Also-- DO NOT stress about the GREs because unless you began prepping for them when you were 5 there's nothing you can do but relax and enjoy the (painfully bumpy) ride.

I basically have some writing resolutions to keep up with but I want to be more in-tune with my friends (and more around physically) so I'm hoping that blogstalking you at least takes care of the first part.

Happy 2011 :)

Tam said...

Sounds like some good resolutions and you guys look so cute in your celebratory plaid. Glad you had a good time.

that's J-O-S-H said...

We look good! Why wasn't "plaster 100% of the walls in our future NYC apartment in celebrity collages and popstar posterz" on your list?! Enrico, you have to get your 2011 priorities straight!

Chris D. said...

Those sound like some good resolutions. I shall wish you well with them.

It is important to communicate effectively with other people. Sometimes it can be hard to say something that needs to be said. This could change some of your relationships, and that may be a good thing, even if there is some pain involved.

Polt said...

WE don't you two just look all New Yearsy and stuff? But why is Josh the only one wearing the tiara? Surely, Princess, you were entitled to one too? :)


hoteltuesday said...

Justin: I only online yell about stuff that's not that important. This is about saying important stuff. DUH DON'T YOU KNOW ANYTHING?!

Cara: Did you take the Lit GRE?! Terrible! I have to catch up on some classics I never read...

Tam: Thanks! Some girl at the club told me my shirt was "awesome"! Yay!

Josh: 'Cause you're living with some random old men for $950 a month!

Chris: I assume my revelations will change some relationships, but I guess I have to think that everything happens for a reason and it will all work out. Even if I spend 2 months crying in bed!

Polt: By that time, the tiaras were all taken.

Michelle M. said...

You and josh are too adorable. And no tears!

Good luck with your resolutions. Love the fruit one!

Anonymous said...

You and Josh look so adorable!!
Talita/TJ :o)

nathan v said...

you guys look so plaidtastic together. Anyways, I am certain that you will achieve many of your goals in the coming year.