Sorry folks, but I had the most boring 12th of the month.
And you get to see it all in photos.
I spent the first half of my day at work.
I work in Hausdoerffer Hall, a residence hall at my college. It's named after this hombre, appropriately named Hausdoerffer.
During my shift, I tried hard to stay awake.
Then my boss came in (forcing me to stay awake) and we decorated the office together.
Toward the end of my shift, the boss of my boss came in the office. He brought me a gift!
I haven't tried it yet. Any pumpkin butter fans out there?
So I spent the rest of my day in Katrina's dorm room.
She lives in room 214. Whenever I see her room number, I think of 2/14, also known as Valentine's Day!
Here's Katrina.
I laid in her bed and read (meaning, I tried to read but fell asleep).
Feminist lit. theory put me to sleep! So instead, I read the book
Push (based on the movie
You're a dummy Precious! Don't nobody want you, don't nobody need you! School ain't gonna help none! Take your a$* to the welfare!The reason my day was so boring was because I'm still sick!! So I wore this comfortable, baggy outfit all day.
Wasn't my day exciting?
I don't know if it was exciting, but parts of it made me chuckle. :)
Hope you're feeling better, punkin.
Comfy, baggy clothes are awesome for sick days.
Get well! You need to be in full voice for Saturday!!
Camille Paglia vs Naomi Wolff?
Get well soon!
Reading this makes me want to get into my jammies and take a nap.
FemLit makes me sleepy too, even when I'm not sick.
Get well!
It seems like you had a nice day despite your illness. I hope you and Josh will feel better by Saturday. I am expecting you guys to keep us entertained at the gathering! ;)
Yay for baggy clothing! For the past two mondayz [aka my one day off a week], I've worn oversized tees, huge sweatshirts and pajama bottoms out around town. Both times I had peepz snicker bout how I was dressed! EFF YOU HOZ! I'M SLEEPY AND SICK SO THEREFOR CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT! Didn't they get the memo (I sent it right after the one about the stilettos)? Moronz.
Wow, you do look slightly homeless. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Oh, no experience with pumpkin butter. Probably tastes like pumpkin pie smeared on toast. Mmmmm.
Pumpkin butter on a toasted bagel is the bestest!
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